test Drupal site working on Koality Theme Builder
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# Useful things for Drupal projects
default: up
DRUPAL_ROOT ?= /var/www/site/docroot
PROJECT_ROOT ?= /var/www/site
IMAGE_NAME = drupal-project
# Spin up the docker container as defined in the docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up -d
# Spin down the docker container when you're no longer needing this as a local site
docker-compose down
# This will do everything that is needed to get your site up and running for the first time
# Right now spins up container, then makes sure all composer dependencies are downloaded
make up
make install-dependencies
# Rebuilds the Drupal cache, useful anytime you make template changes or edit module files
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "drupal cr all"
# Install all dependencies defined in the composer.json
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "composer install"
# Example command looks like "make require-module module=recaptcha"
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "composer require drupal/$(module)"
# Example command looks like "make remove-module module=recaptcha"
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "drupal module:uninstall $(module)"
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "composer remove drupal/$(module)"
# Example command looks like "make install-module module=recaptcha"
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "drupal module:install $(module)"
# If you put the db you want in the root of the project and run this command it will import that database
# the database filename must be starter.sql and in the root of this repo
# WARNING: You will lose any local changes you have made
docker-compose down
sudo rm -Rf ../sites-databases/$(IMAGE_NAME)
docker-compose up -d
# See all the logs of the docker container, useful for finding PHP errors
docker logs $(IMAGE_NAME) -f
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash
# Export the config from the DB into config files
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "drupal config:export"
# import the config from config files into the DB
docker exec -ti -w $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "drupal config:import"
docker exec -ti -w $(DRUPAL_ROOT) $(IMAGE_NAME) /bin/bash -ci "cp -R config_split/* config/default/default/. && drush config-import"