diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/src/Generator/KoalityThemeGenerator.php b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/src/Generator/KoalityThemeGenerator.php index 9ede759..c3d2785 100644 --- a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/src/Generator/KoalityThemeGenerator.php +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/src/Generator/KoalityThemeGenerator.php @@ -73,35 +73,57 @@ class KoalityThemeGenerator extends Generator { $parameters['base_theme_regions_hidden'] = $defaultRegions['regions_hidden']; } - $themePath = $dir . '/' . $machine_name; - $drupalFinder = new DrupalFinder(); - $drupalFinder->locateRoot(); + $themePath = $dir . '/'; + // $drupalFinder = new DrupalFinder(); + // $drupalFinder->locateRoot(); $module_template_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'koality_theme') . '/templates/'; $this->addSkeletonDir('/var/www/docroot/' . $module_template_dir); $test = ''; $this->renderFile( - 'theme/info.yml.twig', - $themePath . '.info.yml', + 'theme/koality-info.yml.twig', + $themePath . $machine_name . '.info.yml', $parameters ); $this->renderFile( - 'theme/theme.twig', - $themePath . '.theme', + 'theme/koality-theme.twig', + $themePath . $machine_name . '.theme', $parameters ); $this->renderFile( - 'theme/libraries.yml.twig', - $themePath . '.libraries.yml', + 'theme/koality-libraries.yml.twig', + $themePath . $machine_name . '.libraries.yml', $parameters ); + // scaffold directories + $this->renderFile( + 'theme/gitkeep.twig', + $themePath . 'src/components/.gitkeep' + ); + $this->renderFile( + 'theme/gitkeep.twig', + $themePath . 'src/global/.gitkeep' + ); + $this->renderFile( + 'theme/gitkeep.twig', + $themePath . 'src/global/base/.gitkeep' + ); + $this->renderFile( + 'theme/gitkeep.twig', + $themePath . 'src/global/common/.gitkeep' + ); + $this->renderFile( + 'theme/gitkeep.twig', + $themePath . 'src/global/utils.gitkeep' + ); + if ($breakpoints) { $this->renderFile( - 'theme/breakpoints.yml.twig', - $themePath . '.breakpoints.yml', + 'theme/koality-breakpoints.yml.twig', + $themePath . $machine_name . '.breakpoints.yml', $parameters ); } diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.editorconfig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.eslintrc.yml b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.eslintrc.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.gitignore b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.sass-link.yml b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/.sass-link.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/README.md b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/gitkeep.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/gitkeep.twig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/breakpoints.yml.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-breakpoints.yml.twig similarity index 100% rename from docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/breakpoints.yml.twig rename to docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-breakpoints.yml.twig diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/info.yml.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-info.yml.twig similarity index 100% rename from docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/info.yml.twig rename to docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-info.yml.twig diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/libraries.yml.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-libraries.yml.twig similarity index 100% rename from docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/libraries.yml.twig rename to docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-libraries.yml.twig diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/theme.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-theme.twig similarity index 100% rename from docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/theme.twig rename to docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/koality-theme.twig diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/package.json.twig b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/package.json.twig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11ed79b --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/package.json.twig @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{ + "name": "{{ $machine_name }}", + "version": "1.0.0", + "scripts": { + "build": "gulp", + "compile": "gulp compile", + "watch": "gulp watch", + "styleguide": "gulp styleguide", + "compress": "gulp compress", + "lint": "gulp lint", + "clean": "gulp clean", + "gulp": "gulp" + }, + "babel": { + "presets": [ + [ + "env", + { + "targets": { + "browsers": [ + "IE >= 9", + "last 3 versions" + ] + } + } + ] + ], + "plugins": [ + "transform-remove-strict-mode" + ] + }, + "browserslist": [ + "IE >= 9", + "last 3 versions" + ], + "devDependencies": { + "babel-plugin-transform-remove-strict-mode": "0.0.2", + "babel-preset-env": "^1.6.0", + "browser-sync": "^2.18.12", + "del": "^3.0.0", + "gulp": "^3.9.1", + "gulp-autoprefixer": "^4.0.0", + "gulp-babel": "^6.1.2", + "gulp-eslint": "^4.0.0", + "gulp-imagemin": "^3.3.0", + "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", + "gulp-sass": "^3.1.0", + "gulp-sass-lint": "^1.3.2", + "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.0", + "run-sequence": "^2.0.0", + "massive-typo": "^0.0.3", + "koality-flexbox-grid": "^0.0.13" + } +} diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/base/_base.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/base/_base.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..426217e --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/base/_base.scss @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +//======================================================= +// Base +// +// normalize.css v5.0.0 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css +// +// NOTE: While this uses normalize.css as a starting +// point it has and will be updated as needed. +// This should be ONLY plain html element styling. +// There should be NO classes, IDs, etc. +//======================================================= + +// Sass Lint needs to ignore some Normalize specific things: +// sass-lint:disable no-duplicate-properties, no-vendor-prefixes + +/* Document + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Change the default font family in all browsers (opinionated). + * 2. Correct the line height in all browsers. + * 3. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in + * IE on Windows Phone and in iOS. + */ +html { + box-sizing: border-box; + font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ + line-height: 1.15; /* 2 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 3 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 3 */ +} + +// https://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/ +* { + box-sizing: inherit; + + &::before, + &::after { + box-sizing: inherit; + } +} + +/* Sections + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove the margin in all browsers (opinionated). + */ +body { + margin: 0; + font-size: 100%; + line-height: 1.15; + letter-spacing: 0.02em; + color: $color-tundora; +} + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 9-. + */ +article, +aside, +footer, +header, +nav, +section { + display: block; +} + +/* Grouping content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 9-. + * 1. Add the correct display in IE. + */ +figcaption, +figure, +main { /* 1 */ + display: block; +} + +/** + * 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox. + * 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE. + */ +hr { + box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */ + height: 0; /* 1 */ + overflow: visible; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers. + * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. + */ +pre { + font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */ + font-size: 1rem; /* 2 */ +} + +/* Text-level semantics + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10. + * 2. Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+. + */ +a { + background-color: transparent; /* 1 */ + -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; /* 2 */ + + /** + * Remove the outline on focused links when they are also active or hovered + * in all browsers (opinionated). + */ + &:active, + &:hover { + outline-width: 0; + } +} + +/** + * 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-. + * 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari. + */ +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 0; /* 1 */ + text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */ + text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers. + * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. + */ +code, +kbd, +samp { + font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */ + font-size: 1em; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-. + */ +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in + * all browsers. + */ +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +/* Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 9-. + */ +audio, +video { + display: inline-block; +} + +/** + * Add the correct display in iOS 4-7. + */ +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-. + */ +img { + border: 0; + height: auto; + max-width: 100%; +} + +/** + * Hide the overflow in IE. + */ +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Change the font styles in all browsers (opinionated). + * 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari. + */ +button, +input, +optgroup, +select, +textarea { + font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ + margin: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Show the overflow in IE. + * 1. Show the overflow in Edge. + */ +button, +input { /* 1 */ + overflow: visible; +} + +/** + * Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE. + * 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox. + */ +button, +select { /* 1 */ + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video` + * controls in Android 4. + * 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. + */ +button, +html [type='button'], /* 1 */ +[type='reset'], +[type='submit'] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox. + */ +button::-moz-focus-inner, +[type='button']::-moz-focus-inner, +[type='reset']::-moz-focus-inner, +[type='submit']::-moz-focus-inner { + border-style: none; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule. + */ +button:-moz-focusring, +[type='button']:-moz-focusring, +[type='reset']:-moz-focusring, +[type='submit']:-moz-focusring { + outline: 1px dotted ButtonText; +} + +/** + * Change the border, margin, and padding in all browsers (opinionated). + */ +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE. + * 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE. + * 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out + * `fieldset` elements in all browsers. + */ +legend { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + color: inherit; /* 2 */ + display: table; /* 1 */ + max-width: 100%; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 3 */ + white-space: normal; /* 1 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Add the correct display in IE 9-. + * 2. Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. + */ +progress { + display: inline-block; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE. + */ +textarea { + overflow: auto; +} + +/** + * 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10-. + * 2. Remove the padding in IE 10-. + */ +[type='checkbox'], +[type='radio'] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome. + */ +[type='number']::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + height: auto; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari. + * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari. + */ +[type='search'] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove the inner padding and cancel buttons in Chrome and Safari on macOS. + */ +[type='search']::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +[type='search']::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. + * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari. + */ +::-webkit-file-upload-button { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */ + font: inherit; /* 2 */ +} + +/* Interactive + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Add the correct display in IE 9-. + * 1. Add the correct display in Edge, IE, and Firefox. + */ +details, /* 1 */ +menu { + display: block; +} + +/* + * Add the correct display in all browsers. + */ +summary { + display: list-item; +} + +/* Scripting + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 9-. + */ +canvas { + display: inline-block; +} + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE. + */ +template { + display: none; +} + +/* Hidden + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Add the correct display in IE 10-. + */ +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/* Lists + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Unset default list margin and padding because if not + * we'll have to unset it every. single. time. + */ +ul, +ol, +dl { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +li { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; +} diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/base/_fonts.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/base/_fonts.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_buttons.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_buttons.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..892cb1a --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_buttons.scss @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.button { + background-color: $button-color; + display: inline-block; + padding: $button-padding; + color: $color-white; + text-decoration: none; + font-size: 14px; + text-transform: uppercase; + + &:hover { + text-decoration: none; + } + + a { + display: inline-block; + color: $color-white; + text-decoration: none; + + &:hover { + text-decoration: none; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_common.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_common.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34090d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_common.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +@import 'visibility'; +@import 'buttons'; +@import 'forms'; +@import 'typography'; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_forms.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_forms.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f5c70 --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_forms.scss @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +form { + label { + display: block; + } + + input { + display: inline-block; + margin-bottom: 10px; + padding: 10px; + width: 100%; + + &[type="radio"], + &[type="checkbox"], + &[type="reset"], + &[type="submit"] { + width: auto; + } + } +} diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_typography.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_typography.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6717caa --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_typography.scss @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.text-center { + text-align: center; +} + +.text-left { + text-align: left; +} + +.text-right { + text-align: right; +} + +.text-bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.text-italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.text-uppercase { + text-transform: uppercase; +} + +.white-text { + color: $color-white; +} diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_visibility.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_visibility.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d4b24d --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/common/_visibility.scss @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +.lg-desktop-only { + @include breakpoint($jumbo-down) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } +} + +.desktop-only { + @include breakpoint($lg-down) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } + + @include breakpoint($jumbo) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } +} + +.tablet-only { + @include breakpoint($sm-only) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } + + @include breakpoint($above-lg) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } +} + +.mobile-only { + @include breakpoint($md) { + display: none !important; // sass-lint:disable-line no-important + } +} + +.authenticated-user { + .show-for-anonymous { + display: none; + } +} + +.anonymous-user { + .show-for-authenticated { + display: none; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/global.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/global.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..840f691 --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/global.scss @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Utilities +// +// Import variables and mixins +// Should contain NO css output. +// Only variables / mixins / settings. +// ======================================== +@import 'utils/init'; + +// Imports Koality Grid +// https://github.com/fabean/flexbox-grid +@import '../../node_modules/koality-flexbox-grid/src/scss/flexbox-grid'; + +// Base +// +// Plain html element styling. Shouldn't require +// any classes. +// ======================================== +@import 'base/fonts'; +@import 'base/base'; + +@import '../../node_modules/massive-typo/src/scss/typography'; + +// Common +@import 'common/common'; diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_init.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_init.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..613da8b --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_init.scss @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +//======================================================= +// Utilities: Import Sass mixins, variables, modules etc. +//======================================================= +@import '../../../node_modules/breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint'; + +// Import variables +@import 'variables'; + +// Import Typography +@import 'typography'; + +// Import mixins +@import 'mixins'; diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_mixins.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_mixins.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a608178 --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_mixins.scss @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +//======================================================= +// Mixins +//======================================================= + +// Clearfix +@mixin clearfix { + &::after { + content: ''; + display: table; + clear: both; + } +} + +// Makes an element visually hidden, but accessible. +// @see http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/hiding-content-for-accessibility +@mixin element-invisible { + position: absolute !important; + height: 1px; + width: 1px; + overflow: hidden; + clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); +} + +// Turns off the element-invisible effect. +@mixin element-invisible-off { + position: static !important; + clip: auto; + height: auto; + width: auto; + overflow: auto; +} + +// Makes an element visually hidden by default, but visible when focused. +@mixin element-focusable { + @include element-invisible; + + &:active, + &:focus { + @include element-invisible-off; + } +} + +// Helper function for working with Sass maps. +// Example: @include print($configuration); +@mixin print($declarations) { + @each $property, $value in $declarations { + #{$property}: $value; + } +} + +@mixin ghost-button-mono($inverted: false) { + width: auto; + padding: $button-padding; + text-decoration: none; + transition: all 150ms ease; + cursor: pointer; + + @if ($inverted == true) { + border: 2px solid $color-white; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: $color-black; + color: $color-white; + + &:hover { + background-color: $color-white; + color: $color-black; + text-decoration: none; + transition: all 150ms ease; + } + } @else { + border: 2px solid $color-black; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: $color-white; + color: $color-black; + + &:hover { + background-color: $color-black; + color: $color-white; + text-decoration: none; + transition: all 150ms ease; + } + } +} + +%bust-out { + margin: { + left: calc(50% - 50vw); + right: calc(50% - 50vw); + } + + transform: translateX(calc(50vw - 50%)); +} + +@mixin bust-out($margin-right: null, $margin-left: $margin-right, $aspect-ratio: null) { + @extend %bust-out !optional; +} diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_typography.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_typography.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_variables.scss b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_variables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c952d3a --- /dev/null +++ b/docroot/modules/custom/koality_theme/templates/theme/src/global/utils/_variables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +//======================================================= +// Variables +//======================================================= + + +//======== +// Koality Grid variables +//======= +$row-width: 1400px; +$inner-row-width: 1200px; + +$default: 0; +$sm: 576px; +$md: 768px; +$lg: 992px; +$xl: 1200px; +$jumbo: 2000px; + +$gutter-width: 15px; + +$breakpoints: ( + default: $default, + sm: $sm, + md: $md, + lg: $lg, + xl: $xl, + jumbo: $jumbo; +); + +$gutter-width: 15px; + +$flex-grid-count: 12; +$flex-grow-default: 0; +$flex-shrink-default: 1; + + + + +$sm-only: 0 $sm +$md-only: $md $lg; +$lg-only: $lg $jumbo; + +$md-down: 0 $md; +$xl-down: 0 $xl; +$lg-down: 0 $lg; +$jumbo-down: 0 $jumbo; + +$md-portrait: screen 0 $md (orientation landscape); +$lg-portrait: screen (min-width $lg) (orientation landscape); +$tablet-only: screen (min-width $md) (max-width $lg); + + +//=========== +// Colors +//========== +$color-white: #FFF; +$color-black: #000; + +//=================== +// Buttons +//=================== +$button-padding: 8px 20px; +$button-border-radius: 5px; +$button-color: $color-black; + +//====== +// Typography +//======= +$body-font-family: sans-serif !default; +$body-font-size: 16px !default; +$body-font-color: #0a0a0a !default; +$body-line-height: 24px !default; +$body-font-size-small: 0.85rem !default; +$bold-font-weight: 700 !default; + +$header-font-breakpoint: 650px !default; +$header-font-family: serif !default; +$h1-size-small: 24px !default; +$h1-size-medium: 48px !default; +$h2-size-small: 20px !default; +$h2-size-medium: 40px !default; +$h3-size-small: 19px !default; +$h3-size-medium: 31px !default; +$h4-size-small: 18px !default; +$h4-size-medium: 25px !default; +$h5-size-small: 17px !default; +$h5-size-medium: 20px !default; +$h6-size-small: 16px !default; +$h6-size-medium: $h6-size-small !default; + +$code-font-family: monospace !default; +$code-font-size: 0.9rem !default; +$code-font-color: #0a0a0a !default; +$code-background-color: #e6e6e6 !default; +$code-padding: 2px 4px !default; +$code-border-radius: 4px !default; +$code-border: 1px solid #cacaca !default; + +$link-font-color: #337ab7 !default; +$link-font-hover-color: #23527c !default; +$link-show-underline: false !default; +$link-show-underline-hover: true !default; + +$font-highlight-background: #fcf8e3 !default; +$font-highlight-padding: 0.2rem !default; + +$blockquote-margin: 32px 0 !default; +$blockquote-padding: 8px 16px !default; +$blockquote-font-size: $body-font-size !default; +$blockquote-border: 1px solid #DDDDDD !default; +$blockquote-font-color: #6f6f6f !default; +$blockquote-cite-font-size: 12px !default; +$blockquote-cite-font-color: #555555 !default; + + +//=================== +// Cards +//=================== +$card-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33);