## Getting Started ### Browser Support Autoprefixer & Babel is set to support: * IE >= 11 * Last 2 versions of modern browsers. These can be updated at any time within the `package.json`. ### Run the following commands from the theme directory If you haven't yet, install nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm #### Use the right version of node with: `nvm use` _This command will look at your `.nvmrc` file and use the version node.js specified in it. This ensures all developers use the same version of node for consistency._ #### If that version of node isn't installed, install it with: `nvm install` #### Install npm dependencies with `npm install` _This command looks at `package.json` and installs all the npm dependencies specified in it. Some of the dependencies include gulp, autoprefixer, gulp-sass and others._ #### Runs default task `npm run build` _This will run whatever the default task is._ #### Compiles Sass `npm run compile` _This will perform a one-time Sass compilation._ #### Runs the watch command `npm run watch` _This is ideal when you are doing a lot of Sass changes and you want to make sure every time a change is saved it automatically gets compiled to CSS_ #### Cleans complied directory `npm run clean` _This will perform a one-time deletion of all compiled files within the dist/ directory._