# http://eslint.org/docs/rules/ # ============================= # By default, ESLint will look for configuration files in all parent # folders up to the root directory. Prevent this by telling ESLint # that this is the root of the project. root: true # Which environments your script is designed to run in. # Each environment brings with it a certain set of predefined global variables. env: # Define globals exposed by Node.js. node: true # Define globals exposed by modern browsers. browser: true # Define globals exposed by ES6 / ES2015 EXCEPT for modules. es6: true # Define globals exposed by jQuery. jquery: true parserOptions: ecmaVersion: 2018 ecmaFeatures: spread: true # Let ESLint know about defined global variables. globals: Drupal: true drupalSettings: true # Inherit settings from ESLint Recommended config. # Rules above override any rules configured here. extends: 'eslint:recommended' # 0 - turn the rule off # 1 - turn the rule on as a warning (doesn't affect exit code) # 2 - turn the rule on as an error (exit code is 1 when triggered) rules: # Two space indentation. indent: - 2 - 2 - SwitchCase: 1 # Prefer single quotes over double. quotes: - 2 - single # Specify Unix line endings. linebreak-style: - 2 - unix # Enforce using semicolons. semi: - 2 - always # Enforce camelcase for variables. camelcase: - 2 # Prohibit use of == and != in favor of === and !==. eqeqeq: - 2 # Enforce placing 'use strict' at the top function scope strict: - 2 - function # Prohibit use of a variable before it is defined. no-undef: - 1 # Enforce line length to 90 characters max-len: - 2 - 90 - 2 # Require capitalized names for constructor functions. new-cap: - 2 # Warn when variables are defined but never used. no-unused-vars: - 1 # Require one var declaration for each variable and # declare each variable on a newline. one-var: - 2 - never # Enforce stroustrup style for braces. brace-style: - 2 - stroustrup # Validates JSDoc comments are syntactically correct valid-jsdoc: - 2 # Treat var as Block Scoped block-scoped-var: - 1 # Require Following Curly Brace Conventions curly: - 2 # Disallow Use of Alert no-alert: - 1 # Disallow eval() no-eval: - 2 # Disallow the type conversion with shorter notations no-implicit-coercion: - 2 # Disallow Functions in Loops no-loop-func: - 2 # Disallow Script URLs no-script-url: - 2 # Disallow Use of the Comma Operator no-sequences: - 2 # Disallow unnecessary concatenation of strings no-useless-concat: - 2 # Disallow Yoda Conditions yoda: - 2 # Disallow Early Use no-use-before-define: - 2 # Require file to end with single newline eol-last: - 2 # Disallow trailing spaces at the end of lines no-trailing-spaces: - 2 # Disallow Dangling Underscores in Identifiers no-underscore-dangle: - 2 # Require JSDoc comment require-jsdoc: - 1 # Require Or Disallow Space Before Blocks space-before-blocks: - 2