You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.2 KiB

5 years ago
  1. uuid: b978a142-12da-47bc-81dd-93622cdc5f9a
  2. langcode: en
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. config:
  6. - filter.format.full_html
  7. module:
  8. - ckeditor
  9. _core:
  10. default_config_hash: 967ijj7p6i7rwrYl7r08WQFeCY_c23YAh0h8u-w_CXM
  11. format: full_html
  12. editor: ckeditor
  13. settings:
  14. toolbar:
  15. rows:
  16. -
  17. -
  18. name: Formatting
  19. items:
  20. - Bold
  21. - Italic
  22. - Strike
  23. - Superscript
  24. - Subscript
  25. - '-'
  26. - RemoveFormat
  27. -
  28. name: Linking
  29. items:
  30. - DrupalLink
  31. - DrupalUnlink
  32. -
  33. name: Lists
  34. items:
  35. - BulletedList
  36. - NumberedList
  37. -
  38. name: Media
  39. items:
  40. - Blockquote
  41. - DrupalImage
  42. - Table
  43. - HorizontalRule
  44. -
  45. name: 'Block Formatting'
  46. items:
  47. - Format
  48. -
  49. name: Tools
  50. items:
  51. - ShowBlocks
  52. - Source
  53. plugins:
  54. stylescombo:
  55. styles: ''
  56. image_upload:
  57. status: true
  58. scheme: public
  59. directory: inline-images
  60. max_size: ''
  61. max_dimensions:
  62. width: 0
  63. height: 0