You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

346 lines
6.7 KiB

'use strict';
var keys = [];
var controlShift = ['ctrl', 'shift'];
var controlAltShift = ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift'];
var controlCommandShift = ['ctrl', 'cmd', 'shift'];
var margin = 0;
var increment = 0.05;
/* Position */
var Position = {
central: function(frame, window) {
return {
x: frame.x + ((frame.width - window.width) / 2),
y: frame.y + ((frame.height - window.height) / 2)
top: function(frame, window) {
return {
x: window.x,
y: frame.y
bottom: function(frame, window) {
return {
x: window.x,
y: (frame.y + frame.height) - window.height
left: function(frame, window) {
return {
x: frame.x,
y: window.y
right: function(frame, window) {
return {
x: (frame.x + frame.width) - window.width,
y: window.y
topLeft: function(frame, window, margin) {
return {
x: Position.left(frame, window).x + margin,
y:, window).y + margin
topRight: function(frame, window, margin) {
return {
x: Position.right(frame, window).x - margin,
y:, window).y + margin
bottomLeft: function(frame, window, margin) {
return {
x: Position.left(frame, window).x + margin,
y: Position.bottom(frame, window).y - margin
bottomRight: function(frame, window, margin) {
return {
x: Position.right(frame, window).x - margin,
y: Position.bottom(frame, window).y - margin
/* Grid */
var Frame = {
width: 1,
height: 1,
half: {
width: 0.5,
height: 0.5
/* Window Functions */ = function(position) {
this.setTopLeft(position(this.screen().visibleFrameInRectangle(), this.frame(), margin));
Window.prototype.grid = function(x, y, reverse) {
var frame = this.screen().visibleFrameInRectangle();
var newWindowFrame = _(this.frame()).extend({
width: (frame.width * x) - (2 * margin),
height: (frame.height * y) - (2 * margin)
var position = reverse ? Position.topRight(frame, newWindowFrame, margin) :
Position.topLeft(frame, newWindowFrame, margin);
Window.prototype.snapSize = function(axis) {
var modalmessage = new Modal();
modalmessage.message = 'test';
modal.duration = 2;;
var frame = this.screen().visibleFrameInRectangle();
if (axis === 'x') {
var newWindowFrame = _(this.frame()).extend({
width: (frame.width)
} else {
var newWindowFrame = _(this.frame()).extend({
height: (frame.height)
var position = reverse ? Position.topRight(frame, newWindowFrame, margin) :
Position.topLeft(frame, newWindowFrame, margin);
Window.prototype.reverseGrid = function(x, y) {
this.grid(x, y, true);
Window.prototype.resize = function(multiplier) {
var frame = this.screen().visibleFrameInRectangle();
var newSize = this.size();
if (multiplier.x) {
newSize.width += frame.width * multiplier.x;
if (multiplier.y) {
newSize.height += frame.height * multiplier.y;
Window.prototype.increaseWidth = function() {
x: increment
Window.prototype.decreaseWidth = function() {
x: -increment
Window.prototype.increaseHeight = function() {
y: increment
Window.prototype.decreaseHeight = function() {
y: -increment
/* Position Bindings */
keys.push(new Key('q', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().to(Position.topLeft);
keys.push(new Key('w', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().to(Position.topRight);
keys.push(new Key('a', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().to(Position.bottomLeft);
keys.push(new Key('s', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().to(Position.bottomRight);
keys.push(new Key('z', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().to(Position.central);
/* Grid Bindings */
keys.push(new Key('p', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().grid(Frame.half.width, Frame.half.height);
keys.push(new Key('o', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().grid(Frame.width, Frame.half.height);
keys.push(new Key('k', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().grid(Frame.half.width, Frame.height);
keys.push(new Key('l', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().grid(Frame.width, Frame.height);
/* Reverse Grid Bindings */
keys.push(new Key('å', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().reverseGrid(Frame.half.width, Frame.half.height);
keys.push(new Key('p', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().reverseGrid(Frame.width, Frame.half.height);
keys.push(new Key('ä', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().reverseGrid(Frame.half.width, Frame.height);
keys.push(new Key('ö', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().reverseGrid(Frame.width, Frame.height);
/* Resize Bindings */
keys.push(new Key(',', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().increaseWidth();
keys.push(new Key('.', controlShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().increaseHeight();
keys.push(new Key(',', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().decreaseWidth();
keys.push(new Key('.', controlAltShift, function() {
Window.focused() && Window.focused().decreaseHeight();
// make full width but same height
keys.push(new Key('z', controlCommandShift, function() {
var modalmessage = new Modal();
modalmessage.message = 'test';
modal.duration = 2;;
Window.focused() && Window.focused().snapSize('x');
function focusApp(name) {
Phoenix.log('About to focus ' + name);
App.runningApps().forEach(function(app) {
if ( === name) {
Phoenix.log('Found and focusing ' + name);
Phoenix.log('Done focusing ' + name);
keys.push(new Key('g', controlCommandShift, function () {
focusApp('Google Chrome');
keys.push(new Key('a', controlCommandShift, function () {
keys.push(new Key('s', controlCommandShift, function () {
keys.push(new Key('t', controlCommandShift, function () {
keys.push(new Key('m', controlCommandShift, function () {