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137 lines
18 KiB

8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
  1. hashes='\033[0;32m'
  2. words='\033[0;36m'
  3. yellow='\033[1;33m'
  4. NC='\033[0m'
  5. blackText='\e[1;30m'
  6. whitebg='\e[47m'
  7. #echo -e "${hashes}███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████${NC}"
  8. #echo "${yellow} Only things that are hard are worth having ${NC}"
  9. /usr/local/bin/node /Users/joshfabean/Git/profile-text/index.js
  10. /usr/local/bin/ ls
  11. # run NVIM instead of VIM
  12. alias vim='nvim'
  13. # fix my typos
  14. alias bim='nvim'
  15. # rerun last command with sudo in front (I dont think this works)
  16. alias please='eval "sudo $(fc -ln -1)"'
  17. # open current directory in Atom
  18. alias atom='open -a Atom ./'
  19. # gen settings
  20. alias ssh="ssh -A" # forward ssh keys to server
  21. alias cp='cp -iv' # prompt when overwriting and verbose
  22. alias mv='mv -iv' # prompt when overwriting and verbose
  23. alias ll='ls -FGlAhp'
  24. alias du1='du -h -d 1'
  25. # networking
  26. alias myip='curl' # show public IP
  27. # build out Android firmware for OmniBox
  28. alias buildfirmware='
  29. cd ~/Code_Koalas/omni/firmware/update; zip -r update_new *;
  30. mv ../;
  31. cd ..;
  32. echo -e "${words}compressing your firmware...${NC}";
  33. java -Xmx2024m -jar signapk.jar -w testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8;
  34. echo -e "${yellow}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-${NC}";
  35. echo -e "${yellow}|/\| Enjoy your new firmware ^_^ |/\|${NC}";
  36. echo -e "${yellow}|\/| \e[0;90m More query, no hesitate mush to ask ${yellow}|\/|${NC}";
  37. echo -e "${yellow}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-${NC}"'
  38. # compile out and sign the OmniBox app
  39. alias buildapp="
  40. echo -e '${hashes}One fresh app coming up!${NC}'
  41. cd ~/Sites/omnibox;
  42. phonegap build android;
  43. cd platforms/android;
  44. ant release;
  45. echo -e '${hashes}Enjoy your new app hot off the compiler!${NC}'
  46. open /Users/joshfabean/Sites/omnibox/platforms/android/bin/;
  47. echo -e '\033[34;5m███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████\033[0'
  48. echo -e '\033[35;5m███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████\033[0${NC}'
  50. echo -e '\033[36;5m███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████\033[0'
  51. echo -e '\033[37;5m███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████\033[0'"
  52. # build not signed app
  53. alias notsigned="phonegap build android --verbose && phonegap run android --verbose"
  54. # grunt build trial app
  55. alias trialapp='
  56. echo -e "${yellow}trial app *grunt*${NC}";
  57. grunt --target=trial;
  58. '
  59. # open Chrome & Chrome Canary in no security mode for testing
  60. alias chrome="open /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-web-security"
  61. alias chromecan="open /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ --args --disable-web-security"
  62. # adb logcat aliases to show me better things
  63. alias logcat='adb logcat -v long -s "CordovaLog CordovaWebView CordovaActivity"'
  64. alias longcat="adb logcat -v long"
  65. # lock screen when I leave my desk you cannot trust people
  66. alias afk='/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend'
  67. # open mps which is a spotify from terminal thing
  68. alias spotify='mps'
  69. # drush cc all is too long
  70. alias dc='drush cc all'
  71. # drush sql-sync omnibox site
  72. alias gimmeomnibox='drush sql-sync @p-omnibox_tv @local-omniboxtv -y'
  73. #drush sql-dump to file
  74. alias drushdump='drush sql-dump --result-file=starter.sql'
  75. #add drupal golden core to project
  76. alias addgolden='git remote add golden'
  77. alias addgolen='addgolden'
  78. #resource my profile
  79. alias sourceme='source ~/.profile'
  80. # docker commands
  81. ddrupal() {
  82. docker exec $1 /usr/local/bin/drupal --root=/var/www/site/docroot ${*:2}
  83. }
  84. ddrush() {
  85. docker exec $1 /usr/local/src/drush/drush --root=/var/www/site/docroot ${*:2}
  86. }
  87. dlogin() {
  88. docker exec -ti $1 /bin/bash
  89. }
  91. alias todo=''
  92. alias t=''
  93. # channeling Justin & alisiasing my git
  94. alias gs='g status'
  95. alias ga='g add'
  96. alias gc='g commit'
  97. alias gcm='g commit -m'
  98. alias gpod='g pull origin dev'
  99. alias gpos='g pull origin staging'
  100. alias gpop='g pull origin production'
  101. # drush commands are hard?
  102. alias stagefileproxy='drush variable-set stage_file_proxy_origin'
  103. alias themedebug='drush vset theme_debug 1'
  104. # my path
  105. export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/Users/joshfabean/Development/android/sdk/tools:/Users/joshfabean/Development/android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH"
  106. export NVM_DIR="/Users/joshfabean/.nvm"
  107. [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
  108. export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/local/opt/android-sdk"
  109. export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools
  110. export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools