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  1. # This is the default .slate file.
  2. # If no ~/.slate file exists this is the file that will be used.
  3. config defaultToCurrentScreen true
  4. config nudgePercentOf screenSize
  5. config resizePercentOf screenSize
  6. # Resize Bindings
  7. bind right:alt resize +10% +0
  8. bind left:alt resize -10% +0
  9. bind up:alt resize +0 -10%
  10. bind down:alt resize +0 +10%
  11. bind right:ctrl;alt resize -10% +0 bottom-right
  12. bind left:ctrl;alt resize +10% +0 bottom-right
  13. bind up:ctrl;alt resize +0 +10% bottom-right
  14. bind down:ctrl;alt resize +0 -10% bottom-right
  15. # Push Bindings
  16. bind right:ctrl;cmd push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/3
  17. bind left:ctrl;cmd push left bar-resize:screenSizeX/3
  18. bind up:ctrl;cmd push up bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
  19. bind down:ctrl;cmd push down bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
  20. # Nudge Bindings
  21. bind right:shift;alt nudge +10% +0
  22. bind left:shift;alt nudge -10% +0
  23. bind up:shift;alt nudge +0 -10%
  24. bind down:shift;alt nudge +0 +10%
  25. # Throw Bindings
  26. bind 1:ctrl;alt throw 0 resize
  27. bind 2:ctrl;alt throw 1 resize
  28. bind 3:ctrl;alt throw 2 resize
  29. bind right:ctrl;alt;cmd throw right resize
  30. bind left:ctrl;alt;cmd throw left resize
  31. bind up:ctrl;alt;cmd throw up resize
  32. bind down:ctrl;alt;cmd throw down resize
  33. # Focus Bindings
  34. bind right:cmd focus right
  35. bind left:cmd focus left
  36. bind up:cmd focus up
  37. bind down:cmd focus down
  38. bind up:cmd;alt focus behind
  39. bind down:cmd;alt focus behind
  40. # Window Hints
  41. bind esc:cmd hint